Wt & JWt 3.3.12 and Wt 4.0.5

  • Posted by Roel
  • Friday, December 14, 2018 @ 14:25

We’ve just released Wt & JWt 3.3.12, and Wt 4.0.5!

This is mostly a bugfix release, with some notable changes:

  • Wt::Dbo: reentrant statement use is now supported

  • Many fixes to the layout managers in Wt 4. Now the widget gallery works correctly using the flexbox-based implementation.

Here are the links:

Binary builds for Windows are available on the GitHub releases page.

  • Posted by anonymous
  • 5 years ago
What is the difference between Wt 4.0.5 (C++) and Wt 3.3.12 (C++) ??
  • Posted by Roel
  • 5 years ago
Wt 4 is our update to C++11. There are many small differences, but one major one is the change from raw pointers everywhere to using unique_ptr for ownership. Check the Wt 4 post for more info: https://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt/news/2017/09/19/wt_4_0_0_is_here_
I don't recommend that you start new application development with Wt 3, since we will stop supporting it at some time.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 5 years ago
I wish you have a Wt CMS.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 5 years ago
I want to use it for my first WT, "Hello World" project. I like the idea of developing websites in C++.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 5 years ago
Happy New Year!

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