We uploaded a first release candidate for 3.3.0.
Here are the main links:
C++ Wt: download wt-3.3.0-rc1.tar.gz and read its release notes
Java JWt: download jwt-3.3.0-rc1.zip and read its release notes
Some highlights of this release:
We’ve integrated support for Twitter’s Bootstrap CSS framework as a new theme in Wt. With it come also a number of new (and much awaited) widgets such as toolbars, split buttons, and checkable buttons.
We’ve chosen to support Bootstrap as a theme, rather than as a new set of widgets, so the API hasn’t been expanded with a whole new set of classes. This is also means that existing applications can be upgraded to use this Bootstrap theme, although that will require some effort to modify your CSS (and layout) to take advantage of the bootstrap style options. Although we are using Twitter’s CSS unmodified, the integration does have a number of important aspects:
we are not using Bootstrap’s JavaScript code (functionality is provided by the widget implementations)
we did extend Bootstrap’s CSS to widgets in Wt which are not provided by Bootstrap, most notably trees and scrollable tables. For this we use the same LESS language and use Bootstrap’s variables and mixin definitions; so these could in principle also be restyled in the same way as the rest of Bootstrap’s CSS.
The integration also required us to revise and improve the markup for a number of widgets, most notably menus and popup menus. This means that the old themes needed updating and thus custom styling for these widgets has been affected as well.
We are in the process of revising the widget gallery, using this theme. See the new Wt Widget Gallery and new JWt Widget Gallery. These are a work in progress that we hope to complete by the time we have a final 3.3.0 release.
A MariaDB/MySQL backend for Wt::Dbo. This is based on the work from Paul Harrisson who maintained this backend so far outside the Wt distribution. The backend has been designed for MariaDB, but should work fine for MySQL as well.